Think of that one roommate or sibling that drives you crazy. They are all up in your space. They yell at you for things you don't even know about. Sometimes they just plain smell bad. Well guess what, that description could be about you! Not everyone does well with roommates, just like some people shouldn't get pets. After all, this is a wild animal we are talking about. We want to make sure that you are getting a pet that is fit for you. No one should be stuck with roommates they don't want to live with.
There are different ways to find out if you are ready for a pet. You should decide if you can meet these obligations before you embark on picking the right roommate.
This is one of the biggest and one of the most important. If you can't find the time for friends, family, or hobbies, then just don't bother. Time is a resource that all living things need. That animal needs attention, and it needs care. From the horse that needs a ranch, to that little gold fish swimming in a tiny bowl, it's up to the owner to give the time they need.
Animals aren't cheap. Shots, food, and accessories can be a start to the expenses of being a pet owner. You don't need to be a millionaire, but you better be ready for those damage expenses you weren't expecting.
You need to be pet smart. If I cram a sheep herding dog into a one room apartment, and I can't figure out why he chewed my couch while I'm at my 9-5 job, then I need to learn some things. Animals were created with an innate purpose, and some of them, were not made to be sitting in an apartment all day waiting for you to come home.
If you can some meet most of those needs, now its time to find your friend.